5 Effective Tips On Writing A Persuasive Essay

tips on writing a persuasive essay
Guest Post by Rhonda Martinez If you have faced the ordeal of dealing with a persuasive essay, you know better than anyone that it will require quite an effort. A persuasive essay is a typical academic assignment; every college student will have to deal with at some point....
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Learning Styles & Strategies

learning styles and strategies
Learning Styles VS. Learning Strategies Broadly speaking, learning styles can be defined as general approaches to language learning, while learning strategies are specific ways learners choose to cope with language tasks in particular contexts. Learning strategies are the ways in which students learn, remember information, and study for...
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Assessment Of, For and As Learning: The Main Differences & Principles

assessment of, for and as learning
Assessment Of, For & As Learning: What are the Main Differences? 1. Assessment Of Learning It involves looking at assessment information at the end of the teaching and learning process to rank students’ achievement levels against a standard. It is summative in nature and typically involves standardized tests. Assessment OF learning scores are often...
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Two Basic Ways to Present & Practice Language Functions

teaching language functions
Language functions define what the person should say or write in communicative situations. The best way to present and practice these functions is in context by using real-life conversations. Typical Language Functions Inviting Suggesting Promising Apologizing Requesting information Agreeing Disagreeing Offering How to Teach a Conversation Start with...
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Brief Insight Into CLT Approach & Its Application

CLT insight and application
The Idea The communicative language teaching approach is based on the idea that learning a language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. When learners are involved in real communication, they naturally learn the language. The History It could be said that the communicative language approach is...
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