Practical Guidelines For Developing Good EFL Test Items

guidelines to develop good test items
I want to guarantee you understand some terms. This is important before providing you with guidelines for writing good EFL test items. These terms are used in testing. Here are the terms you should be familiar with. 1. Test Blueprint (or Test Specifications) It identifies the objectives and...
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Pre-Employment Assessment, Skill Testing, And Interviewing

recognize the pre-employment process
Guest Post By Omer Molad We often hear terms like pre-employment assessment, skill testing and even interviewing used interchangeably. While they may have similar high-level goals, such as identifying a suitable candidate, they are fundamentally different methods of achieving those goals. It’s important to know the difference because each...
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4 Stages To Teach Paragraph Writing In The Classroom

stages to teach paragraph writing in the classroom
Writing is a productive skill that enables students to express their feelings, thoughts, and knowledge. Students can improve their writing skills by practicing and repetition. their writing product should be monitored from the beginning of writing to the production of the final copy. Here are the four essential...
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How To Teach Grammar Using PPP Model

teaching grammar using PPP model
We need to have some grammatical knowledge to be able to speak a language to some degree of proficiency and to be able to say what we really want to say. Without grammar, words hang together without any real meaning or sense. By teaching grammar, we enable students...
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Top 7 Questioning Techniques In The Classroom

questioning techniques
As a teacher, you always use questions in the classroom. There are lots of reasons for using them. You could use questions to: The techniques that you should use in questioning depend on the grade level, subject matter, and lesson objectives. Here are some of the top questioning...
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When And How To Correct Errors In EFL Classes

when and how to correct students errors
As a teacher, you’ll have to correct your students when they make errors and mistakes. Correction is really important and can’t be ignored. A teacher who fails to do so may be thought of as unprofessional or lazy. Error correction is a matter of balance. Students need help...
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The 9 Best Ways To Finish EFL Lessons

how to finish EFL lessons effectively
It is as important to end an EFL lesson effectively as you start it. Your main aim is that your students leave the classroom with a good feeling about themselves and their learning. They should end their EFL lessons with a sense of achievement and the knowledge that...
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