How To Teach Using Songs & Games

It‘s great to use songs and games in class if only to do something a little different but beyond using them solely to give your students light relief, there are many other things songs and games can be used for in EFL classes. Simply they can be used...
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7 Quick Ideas To Encourage Extensive Reading

Reading is becoming a lost art. A student’s entire lifestyle can be enhanced by picking up a novel now and then. But, unfortunately, many students are struggling with learning how to read, haven’t had exposure to interesting reading material, or simply don’t have examples of reading for understanding...
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How to Differentiate Instruction in Your Diverse Classrooms

We must admit that we have diverse students with varying abilities in each class we teach and teachers must modify their instruction to meet individual students’ readiness, levels, preferences, and interests. In this case, differentiated instruction is badly required. What Is Differentiated Instruction? Differentiated Instruction is a teaching...
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How to Teach Language Functions – A Practical Guide

Parallel to lexical or grammatical structures is the language functions that define the speaker’s or writer’s intention to what they say or write in a communicative way. A language function is a reason why we communicate. Every time we speak or write, we do so for a purpose...
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