Generally, in education, we have aims, goals and objectives. Aims are the final results aimed at the whole educational process. An example of an aim is as follows: “To create suitable opportunities for the individuals to help them develop spiritually, morally, mentally and physically, according to the nature...
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20/06/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
Lesson Planning
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In the previous post, I tackled the first 5 difficulties you may face in your journey of TEFL and gave you some suggested solutions. You can check out the post from here: 10 Main Difficulties In TEFL And My Suggested Solutions In this post, I’m going to write...
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18/06/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
Professional Development
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Generally, teaching is not an easy job. And, in specific, TEFL is a difficult mission but in education, there is no “Mission Impossible” The teachers, who are one of the most important elements in teaching, are able to solve any TEFL difficulties if they are informative and creative....
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16/06/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
Professional Development
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1. Don’t assume (falsely) that the class textbook will work. Some activities in EFL textbooks don’t work. These activities must be modified to make them work, or scrapped completely. 2. Don’t neglect useful vocabulary teaching. The building blocks of language are not grammar or functions. The most essential...
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10/06/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
Professional Development
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Multiple choice questions or MCQs are less subject to guessing. They are the most common objective-type questions. In addition, they can be used to assess higher-level thinking. An MCQ has several choices from which the student must select the correct answer to get the full mark. It is...
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08/04/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
As a teacher, you can do many things to improve your personal life and make use of your utmost potential. Here are the main seven of them. Do them and you will be on the road to improving your personal life. 1. Invest Time Wisely Throughout our life,...
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11/03/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
Teacher Wellness
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Character is the result of two things, mental attitude, and the way we spend our time. It is what we think and what we do that make us what we are. Mental Attitude Keep Teachers Outstanding Success is in the blood of some teachers. Their personality and mental...
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09/03/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
Teacher Wellness
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There are several techniques for teaching EFL new vocabulary. Here are the 2 best and widely used of them 1. Traditional Technique This technique goes in five stages as follows: 1) Lead-in In this stage, the teacher should get the students engaged and activate their prior knowledge in...
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26/02/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
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There are several techniques for teaching new vocabulary in EFL classes. We are going to tackle the best two of them in the coming post (Join My Email List (It’s FREE) to receive a notification when I publish new posts). But, the teacher should consider the following three...
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23/02/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
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First of all, you must consider the difference between evaluation, assessment, and measurement. Evaluation, Assessment, and Measurement Evaluation It is a purposeful, cyclical process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting relevant information in order to make qualitative judgments and take decisions concerning to certain performances, materials, activities, courses or...
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21/02/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
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