There are several techniques for teaching EFL new vocabulary. Here are the 2 best and widely used of them 1. Traditional Technique This technique goes in five stages as follows: 1) Lead-in In this stage, the teacher should get the students engaged and activate their prior knowledge in...
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26/02/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
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There are several techniques for teaching new vocabulary in EFL classes. We are going to tackle the best two of them in the coming post (Join My Email List (It’s FREE) to receive a notification when I publish new posts). But, the teacher should consider the following three...
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23/02/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
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First of all, you must consider the difference between evaluation, assessment, and measurement. Evaluation, Assessment, and Measurement Evaluation It is a purposeful, cyclical process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting relevant information in order to make qualitative judgments and take decisions concerning to certain performances, materials, activities, courses or...
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21/02/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
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Creating a good language test demand great care and responsibility on the part of the teachers. Most teachers want only to puzzle their students with tests. It isn’t right because tests should be created well to reflect the real level of students, not teachers’ own expectations. So, the...
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07/02/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
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Grammar is an important part of language learning. In order for students to communicate effectively in life, they need to use proper grammar. Students must have the least knowledge of the grammatical rules in order to produce language spontaneously either orally or in writing. How Grammar Can Be...
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23/11/2020 Mohamed Ramadan
Teach Grammar
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Giving effective feedback is an essential skill for teachers. It should be regular and ongoing. Your students need to know how they are doing, whether their performance meets expectations, and how they can improve. But giving feedback isn’t always easy. You may worry about hurting the students’ feelings, or...
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21/11/2020 Mohamed Ramadan
Correcting Mistakes, Professional Development
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Today, most EFL classes include different levels of students. Teaching these students requires the teacher to be aware of how students are different, the resulted difficulties with them and how to teach them. How Students Are Different Different students are different in one or some of the following:...
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12/11/2020 Mohamed Ramadan
Professional Development
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Reading comprehension is very important in your journey to teaching your students to read. After all, when a student struggles with comprehension, reading can be a difficult activity. So, wouldn’t it be useful if you could find answers to some questions related to teaching reading comprehension to help...
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04/11/2020 Mohamed Ramadan
Teach Reading
Video clips are valuable classroom tools especially when we consider English as a foreign language that is available to listen to only in the classroom and not spoken outside it. In this case. we often use video clips to enhance listening skills and promote speaking as they provide...
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28/10/2020 Mohamed Ramadan
Using Technology in EFL Classes
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Guest Post by Rhonda Martinez A persuasive essay is a typical academic assignment; every college student will have to deal with at some point. Here are 5 efficient tips to make your persuasive essay rock and use it to convince others of your opinion. 1. Make Your Stand...
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25/10/2020 Mohamed Ramadan
Guest Posts
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