Basic Assessment Concepts & Tips For Teachers

basic assessment concepts and tips for teachers
First of all, you must consider the difference between evaluation, assessment, and measurement. Evaluation, Assessment, and Measurement Evaluation It is a purposeful, cyclical process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting relevant information in order to make qualitative judgments and take decisions concerning to certain performances, materials, activities, courses or...
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9 Simple But Powerful Tips For Giving Effective Feedback

tips to give effective feedback
Giving effective feedback is an essential skill for teachers. It should be regular and ongoing. Your students need to know how they are doing, whether their performance meets expectations, and how they can improve. But giving feedback isn’t always easy. You may worry about hurting the students’ feelings, or...
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7 Tips To Teach Different Levels Of EFL Students

tips to teach different levels of EFL students
Today, most EFL classes include different levels of students. Teaching these students requires the teacher to be aware of how students are different, the resulted difficulties with them and how to teach them. How Students Are Different Different students are different in one or some of the following:...
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5 Efficient Tips To Make Your Persuasive Essay Rock

tips on writing to convince people of your opinion
Guest Post by Rhonda Martinez A persuasive essay is a typical academic assignment; every college student will have to deal with at some point. Here are 5 efficient tips to make your persuasive essay rock and use it to convince others of your opinion. 1. Make Your Stand...
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