12 Simple (Yet Powerful) Techniques For Classroom Management

techniques and tips of classroom management
Research shows that classroom management is one of the main preoccupations for novice teachers; in many cases, it may be more important than subject knowledge for them.  However, during preparing training courses for teachers, classroom management receives little attention when compared with more general aspects of the methodology....
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How To Teach English From The CC Perspective

how to teach English using communicative competence
Views of English Learning Earlier views of English learning focused primarily on the mastery of grammatical competence (GC). According to this view: English learning was viewed as a process of mechanical habit formation. Good habits are formed by teaching students to produce correct sentences. Making mistakes is not...
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Five Tasks To Test Your Students’ Listening

tasks to test listening
1. Number the jumbled words as you hear them: Don’t be restricted to nouns only, include adjectives as well. Use content words rather than form words (i.e. no prepositions, conjunctions or articles). You might include 1 or 2 words that do not spell as they sound, like ‘eight’...
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My Vision On Gentle Teaching And Its Main Principles

gentle teaching
What is Gentle Teaching? Gentle Teaching is a teaching approach. It has four teaching purposes. It aims at teaching students how to: Feel safe, Feel loved, Be engaged, Show gentleness and love to each other. These purposes are achieved through using repeated words of affection, eye contact and...
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12 Characteristics Of A Good Language Test

Characteristics of a Good Language Test
A Good Language Test Should Be: 1- Valid: It means that it measures what its composer supposes to measure. It tests what it ought to test. E.g. the test which measures control of grammar should have no difficult lexical items. 2- Reliable: If it is taken again by...
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Only Four Things You Need To Become A Master Teacher

things you need to become a master teacher
Although learning to teach well occurs over time after going through a lot of teaching practices but it involves mainly four things: knowing, planning, doing, and reflecting. If you keep doing these four things, you will be able to achieve a degree of master in your teaching and...
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9 Key Patterns Of Questions To Test The Writing Skills

patterns of questions to test writing skills
Here are the main nine patterns of questions to test writing skills and tips to excel in writing each pattern. 1. Fill in the missing vocabulary items in sentences: The first sentence should have no gaps. Provide sufficient textual clues for students to answer. Each sentence should contain...
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How To Write Good Questions To Test Reading Skills

how to test reading skills
Below are some patterns of questions to test reading skills. Each pattern includes what students are asked to do to answer the question and some guidelines to help the teachers write this kind of question in a good way. 1. Read the following sentences and number them in...
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When To Use Students’ Mother Tongue In EFL Classes

when to use mother tongue in EFL classes
A teacher should insist on and encourage using English in primary or low-level classes so that students: will have the opportunity to practice using English in context. will improve their listening skills. learn and practice common or repeated classroom language or routines in English. (e.g. Please open your...
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