My #1 Back-To-School-Advice: Always Use Attention Grabbers

how to catch your students attention
The length of the students’ attention spans is incredibly short. They got tired and bored quickly. even they may fall asleep during class. It’s a really bad thing especially when you’re teaching an important item. Here’s your job as a creative teacher to wake them up using different...
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6 Ways To Help EFL Students Become Lifelong Learners

ways to engage EFL students in lifelong learning
Definition of Lifelong Learning Nowadays, there is a great movement toward lifelong learning which is defined as it is using both formal and informal learning opportunities to foster learners’ continuous development and improvement of the knowledge and skills needed to be employed to achieve personal fulfilment.   There are...
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How To Design An Interview Process That Predicts Performance

how to design interview process
Guest Post By Omar Molad Originally Published on August 3, 2019, on Vervoe Blog First, let’s get one thing out of the way. Traditional interviews don’t actually predict performance. Rather, the best way to predict performance is to test job-related skills in context. Nevertheless, there is a place for interviews in the...
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Why Teaching Speaking Is A Challenge And How To Overcome It?!

how to overcome the challenge of teaching speaking
Speaking is “the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts”. It is a crucial part of foreign language learning and teaching. Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and English language teachers...
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6 Principles For Teaching Speaking In EFL Classes

principles for teaching speaking to EFL learners
For most EFL learners, the English lesson is their only opportunity to practice English.  Once they leave the class, they have no opportunity to speak or communicate in English.  That’s why the teacher should dedicate enough time during the class to teach and develop their speaking skills giving...
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How to Prepare For A One-Way Video Interview

steps to prepare for a one-way video interview
Guest Post By Emily Heaslip Originally Published on January 15, 2019, on Vervoe Blog The one-way video interview is on the rise: companies like Apple, Twitter, Google, and many more use a one-way video interview at some point in their hiring process. Some estimates have seen a nearly 30% increase in the...
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10 Alternative Career Paths Out Of ELT

alternative career paths out of ELT
Some teachers of English love being in the classroom and working with students, so they spend their whole lives teaching while there are some teachers who taught English for a while and then changed their careers making use of the skills that being a teacher helps them to...
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