Do You Know What ECRIF Is?!

what ECRIF is
ECRIF stands for five phases of students’ learning: Encounter, Clarify, Remember, Internalize and Fluency. ECRIF is a framework for understanding learning, looking at how people learn rather than prescribing what teachers should or should not do. ECRIF framework focuses on the learning process that students go through as they...
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Four Factors Make TEFL A Failure In Most Countries

why TEFL fail in most countries
EFL is taught in most countries as a compulsory subject. However, most students in these countries do not show good English proficiency or ability in using English in daily-life communications. It may mean that there is some kind of failure of TEFL in these countries. The following are...
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8 Benefits Of Using Games In TEFL

benefits of using games in TEFL
Language learning is not easy. It takes time and effort. Games can sustain students’ interest and work so they ought to be at the heart of teaching the foreign language. Perhaps they are often used as short warm-up activities or when there is some time left at the...
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Three Methods To Teach Your Child To Read

teaching children how to read
Reading is Best Taught Using a Combination of Three Methods: Auditory training – training for the ears to prepare the child’s brain for phonics. Phonics – knowledge of letter(s) sounds. Whole Language – immediate application of phonics into connected sentences and stories. It’s clear from the research that...
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Top 10 Tips For Teaching A Great EFL Lesson

tips for teaching a great EFL lesson
If you want to make a success and teach a great English language lesson, you should consider the following before stepping into the classroom: Be aware of the aims of teaching the English language in the country where you are working and in the educational stage you are...
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How To Deal With Low-Achiever Students And Help Them

how to help low-achiever students
Who is a low-achiever student? If the student doesn’t or achieves to a low extent the required objectives at the end of the lesson, unit or course, it is important to recognize and identify him/her as a low achiever. In this case, a remedial plan should be designed...
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16 Tips To Become The Best EFL Teacher

tips to become the best EFL teacher
1. Learn your students’ names. You will be able to control your class better and gain more respect if you learn the students’ names early on. If you are one who has a poor memory for names, ask each student to bring a photo of his own and...
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The 5 Key Components Of A Lesson Plan

five components of a lesson plan
There are five main components of any successful lesson. You need to rethink your lesson plan if you miss one of them. These five components are as follows: 1- Objectives: Write what you expect your students will do by the end of the lesson e.g. by the end...
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Ten Skills A Primary Language Teacher Must Have

skills primary teachers need to have
A Primary Language Teacher Must have the ability to: 1. understand well the characteristics of young learners whom he works with. 2. link his understanding of young learners with the teaching method and assessment procedures that he uses in the classroom. 3. adapt or create the most suitable...
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