The Top Five Tips That Help Students Speak English

tips for students to speak English well
1. Praise them for speaking and pronouncing English well: Encourage them to speak in English without fearing making mistakes. Focus on the use of English and reinforce any successful attempts to produce English in real-life situations. 2. Set goals, give clear instructions, and model activities: Tell students WHY...
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How To Read Aloud To Your Students

how to read aloud to your students
The reading-aloud moments should be a special time when students feel comfortable sitting and listening with enjoyment. The content should be of high interest and value to students. The reading passage should not be too long, otherwise, students’ attention will wander. In fact, the teacher needs to plan...
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1-min Eltt Guide – How Can You Manage Hyperactive Students?

Common ELT Q&As
Hyperactive students struggle to focus and stay organized. Many students, mostly primary ones are hyperactive. They need special attention from teachers to control them and help them understand the lessons. In case some students showed hyperactivity in my classroom I would: Greet them by their names and create...
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1-min Eltt Guide – Why Do We Use Games In EFL Class

Common ELT Q&As
We use games because: When the element of competition is introduced, tension is lowered by the urge to win. In a game scenario, teachers can motivate students to use English because they are given a compelling reason to do so.  To further their desire to use English. We...
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