1-min Eltt Guide – Why Do We Use Games In EFL Class

Common ELT Q&As
We use games because: When the element of competition is introduced, tension is lowered by the urge to win. In a game scenario, teachers can motivate students to use English because they are given a compelling reason to do so.  To further their desire to use English. We...
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ESL VS. EFL In Learning And Teaching

the difference between EFL and ESL
There’s a difference when learning & teaching English as a second language (ESL), and learning & teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). Learning ESL versus learning EFL: In learning ESL, the learner is learning English within an English environment. In this case, English is spoken outside the...
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Why You Should Read Aloud To Your Primary Students

advantages to read aloud to primary students
Reading aloud is an important component of the primary level English lesson. The teacher usually reads aloud stories or conversations while the students listen or follow in their books. When you read aloud to your students, you help them to find pleasure and enjoyment in the new language,...
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The Eight Ways To Engage Shy Students In Speaking Tasks

how to engage shy students in EFL speaking tasks
Supporting and encouraging shy students within the classroom can sometimes be one of the most important things that the teacher should focus on. But first, you should think about it, some students are naturally introvert and quiet. They like to be silent. So, your mission is not to...
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