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Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Assumptions And Principles

assumptions and principles of CLT
Before going through the assumptions and principles in CLT, let’s define the following four main terms related to language teaching. Language Teaching Terminology: Approach = “A set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language, learning, and teaching” Method = “An overall plan for a systematic presentation of...
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Do You Know What ECRIF Is?!

what ECRIF is
ECRIF stands for five phases of students’ learning: Encounter, Clarify, Remember, Internalize and Fluency. ECRIF is a framework for understanding learning, looking at how people learn rather than prescribing what teachers should or should not do. ECRIF framework focuses on the learning process that students go through as they...
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Four Factors Make TEFL A Failure In Most Countries

why TEFL fail in most countries
EFL is taught in most countries as a compulsory subject. However, most students in these countries do not show good English proficiency or ability in using English in daily-life communications. It may mean that there is some kind of failure of TEFL in these countries. The following are...
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ESL VS. EFL In Learning And Teaching

the difference between EFL and ESL
There’s a difference when learning & teaching English as a second language (ESL), and learning & teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). Learning ESL versus learning EFL: In learning ESL, the learner is learning English within an English environment. In this case, English is spoken outside the...
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