We are thrilled to officially launch The ELT Insider today, our brand new weekly newsletter packed with practical tips, valuable resources, and the latest industry information for ESL/EFL teachers worldwide.
In this kick-off issue, you’ll discover:
- Principles of Instruction.
- Example to apply these principles.
- Effective Planning.
- Example to apply effective planning.
We’re confident The ELT Insider will quickly become a vital resource to help take your instruction to the next level.
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As a subscriber, every week you can look forward to:
- New teaching techniques and activity ideas.
- Technology recommendations.
- Creative classroom management strategies.
- Interviews with top ELT experts.
- Professional development opportunities.
- Industry news and research.
- Exclusive offers and giveaways.
Don’t miss out on receiving actionable advice and insights tailored specifically for ESL/EFL educators. Add The ELT Insider to your inbox now!
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Welcome aboard, and happy teaching!
Mohamed Ramadan
Founder of elttguide.com