Home » Posts tagged a guide to creating effective test items

Writing Effective Test Items: The Definitive Guide

Difficult Job It is not easy to construct a good test to measure what you want. Writing good effective test items is a difficult job as it needs much practice and experience and there are many things to be considered to create good test items. A Valuable Resource...
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Why Writing Effective Test Items Is A Challenge

Overcome the challenge of writing test items
It is not easy to construct a good test to measure what you want. Writing good effective test items is a difficult job as it needs much practice and experience. These items must achieve many things to be considered good ones. The following are some. Functions of the...
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How To Avoid Negative Effects Of Tests On Students

how to avoid negative effects of tests
Some educators argue against using tests. They say students study for tests only at the end of the semester. Students also tend to study when the school year is about to finish, while not working throughout the course. Once the test has finished, students forget all that had...
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Practical Guidelines For Developing Good EFL Test Items

guidelines to develop good test items
I want to guarantee you understand some terms. This is important before providing you with guidelines for writing good EFL test items. These terms are used in testing. Here are the terms you should be familiar with. 1. Test Blueprint (or Test Specifications) It identifies the objectives and...
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