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Posts tagged guidelines for writing multiple-choice test items.
Difficult Job It is not easy to construct a good test to measure what you want. Writing good effective test items is a difficult job as it needs much practice and experience and there are many things to be considered to create good test items. A Valuable Resource...
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23/07/2022 Mohamed Ramadan
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Multiple choice questions or MCQs are less subject to guessing. They are the most common objective-type questions. In addition, they can be used to assess higher-level thinking. An MCQ has a number of alternative choices from which the student must select the correct answer to get the full...
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08/04/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
Creating a good language test demand great care and responsibility on the part of the teachers. Most teachers want only to puzzle their students with tests. It isn’t right because tests should be created well to reflect the real level of students, not teachers’ own expectations. So, the...
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07/02/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
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Before providing you with some important guidelines for writing good EFL test items, I want to assure you that you know the following terms used in testing. Test Blueprint (or Test Specifications) It identifies the objectives and skills that you test and the relative weight on the test...
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07/04/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
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