Perhaps your previous school year went well and your teaching was amazing. Maybe you think it wasn’t and it went poorly. Perhaps, you can describe your previous school year and evaluate your teaching with different adjectives. Maybe you were not conscious of your performance.
So here are some questions to help you reflect on that school year so that you can be aware of what happened and then can do your best in summer to make the next school year better.
- When were students at their best and how did I know?
- When did I notice myself doing the best and how did I know?
- What strategies did I follow to achieve classroom management and were they successful?
- What did I do to save time as a teacher? Did I succeed?
- What are the key things that affect my effectiveness as a teacher?
- What was my teaching philosophy and could I reflect it in my teaching practices?
- How was my relationship with my colleagues and how did it affect my performance?
- What was my relationship with my students look like and how did it affect their performance?
- How did I spend time inside and outside the classroom and how did I know that I did the right/wrong things?
- What did I do to motivate students to do what I asked them to do?
- Of the things that I didn’t do last year, which one was most worth my time to do?
- Could I affect my students and changed their lives positively? What should I do to do so?
- Did I succeed in making teaching fun for me? What should I do to feel so?
- What am I most excited about for the next year? Am I ready for it?
- What is the one “big idea/thing” I should focus on during this summer to improve my teaching?
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