Ask and answer the following questions before printing any test. Improve the test, then go ahead to print it.
1. What is the main purpose of the test?
Does it test achievement or proficiency? Is it at the end of the month or the term? What is the main objective of the test?
2. Does the test match the test specifications?
Are number and types of questions, distribution of marks, length of the reading text and time allowed as in the specifications?
3. Does the test content match the syllabus content?
Are the vocabulary, structures, functions, reading and writing questions in the test included in the syllabus?
4. Do the test questions match the objectives of the syllabus?
Do the test items measure to what extent the objectives are achieved?
5. Do the test items cover the cognitive levels?
Do the test items encourage students to show understanding, apply what they’ve learned, analyze, combine and evaluate?
6. Is the total time allowed clearly mentioned?
7. Are the marks for each question clearly written beside the question?
8. Are instructions clear on what exactly students have to do?
9. Are instructions grammatically correct, spelled correctly, and written in simple, clear language?
10. Are the format and layout clear and easy to follow?
Regarding to format:
- Are the pages and all the questions numbered?
- Is the font familiar and easy to read?
- Are the texts and spaces well distributed?
- Are the pictures and tables clear?
Regarding to layout:
- Are the instructions clearly distinguished from the questions?
- Are all relevant questions on one page?
- Is there enough space for students to write their answers?
11. Are the questions organized in appropriate order from easy to difficult?
12. Are questions independent of each other? (students should not answer one question depending on another)
13. Are the questions at the right level according to the students’ level?
14. Is the answer key available in a separate paper, correct and complete?
15. Is there only one correct answer for each MCQ?
16. Are all acceptable answers included in the answer key?
17. Is there a clear rating scale for marking writing questions?
18. Are the marks easy to compute?
19. Are all questions free of bias in any way?
20. Is the whole test free of any offensive language?
Thanks For Reading
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