Home » Brain-based ELT » 24 Brain-Based Elements To Consider In Your EFL/ESL Classes

24 Brain-Based Elements To Consider In Your EFL/ESL Classes


How to use brain-based learning in the classroom? What are the main brain-based learning strategies to apply in the classroom to enhance learning?

Creating a brain-based classroom takes time to implement, test, and modify before you can really see the results.

However, it is completely up to you to begin the change, not only in the classroom but in the school as well.

Bringing Brain-Based Learning Into Your Classroom

Once fellow colleagues witness the benefits of brain-based learning, they will begin modifying their lessons, too to better suit their students’ needs and wants.

You can encourage this entire transformation by:

  • Shedding a light on brain-based learning.
  • Discussing it with your staff and colleagues.
  • Getting your student involved with the community and asking members of the community to come in and share their lives with students.

Creating an ideal learning environment can support and accelerate the transformation to brain-based learning.

24 Elements To Consider & Their Corresponding Classroom Strategies

You can do so easily by considering the following 24 elements and applying their corresponding classroom strategies.

1. Brain Fitness

Brain Fitness refers to simple activities and movements that will create opportunities for whole-brain learning.

The most commonly known of these exercises is called Brain Gym®, which can be incorporated into daily classroom routines to enhance learning.

Learning through movement increases blood flow to the brain, which helps improve memory, concentration, physical coordination, and organization.

Classroom Strategies:

  • Do activities that cross the left side of the body to the right side, which helps to coordinate the left and right brain.
  • Pretend like you are an astronaut walking on the moon, cross your right hand and put on your left knee and your left hand on your right knee.
  • Participate in calming activities that help to reduce stress.
  • Brain Gym® suggests doing “hook-ups”. Extend your arms and cross the left wrist over the right; interlace your fingers and draw your hand up toward your chest – relax and breathe.
  • Doodling is okay! Have students doodle by making the number eight sideways (∞). This helps cross the midline between the two sides of your brain and helps to remember words.

2. Atmosphere

The atmosphere you create for your students has a great influence on their learning.

To get the most potential from our brains, we must set up an atmosphere that is conducive to maintaining a positive, successful environment.

Classroom Strategies:

The color, temperature, and organization of a room have a significant impact on how the brain first reacts.

  • Use high-contrast colours such as reds, oranges, and yellows for primary students.
  • Use less distracting and stress-reducing colours such as blues and greens for secondary students.
  • Keep the room as close to 70 degrees as possible. The ideal temperature range is between 68 and 72 degrees. If you have no control over this, be sure to keep blankets and/or sweatshirts in the room for those who are consistently cold.
  • Allow fresh air into the room when the outside temperature is desirable.
  • Keep your room neat and uncluttered. Be a role model for the organization you would like the students to have.

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