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6 Principles For Teaching Speaking In EFL Classes

principles for teaching speaking to EFL learners
For most EFL learners, the English lesson is their only opportunity to practice English.  Once they leave the class, they have no opportunity to speak or communicate in English.  That’s why the teacher should dedicate enough time during the class to teach and develop their speaking skills giving...
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Six Tips To Encourage Students To Speak Out In English

tips to encourage students to speak English out
1. Give Clear Goals and Instructions. Inform your students with the main goal of speaking and the importance of developing speaking skills. Model speaking with one of your best students so everyone can see what to say. Students also need to know how to say something. Without understanding...
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The Top Five Tips That Help Students Speak English

tips for students to speak English well
1. Praise them for speaking and pronouncing English well: Encourage them to speak in English without fearing making mistakes. Focus on the use of English and reinforce any successful attempts to produce English in real-life situations. 2. Set goals, give clear instructions, and model activities: Tell students WHY...
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The Eight Ways To Engage Shy Students In Speaking Tasks

how to engage shy students in EFL speaking tasks
Supporting and encouraging shy students within the classroom can sometimes be one of the most important things that the teacher should focus on. But first, you should think about it, some students are naturally introvert and quiet. They like to be silent. So, your mission is not to...
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Why And How To Use Stories To Motivate Speaking In EFL Classes

use stories to motivate speaking in EFL classes
“Storytelling” … Why? As we all know, stories have always played a significant role in children’s growth. Stories not only help in stimulating children’s imagination and understanding of the world but also in developing their language ability and appreciation of literature. So, I highly recommend storytelling in EFL...
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