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The 3 Main Kinds Of Drills To Practice Grammar

kinds of grammar drills
Once the grammar points have been presented in the lesson, the teacher should give the class some drills to practice them. Here are the three main kinds of drills that must be given in any lesson in the following sequence to practice grammar items: 1. Controlled Drills They...
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9 Tips To Make Grammar Lessons Fun For Your Students

how to make grammar teaching fun
Learning the language rules is often boring for many students. Grammar teachers around the world struggle to make grammar lessons exciting and energizing to their students. The good news is it’s pos­sible. With the following simple nine tips, you can banish boring grammar classes and ensure your students...
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How To Teach Grammar Using PPP Model

teaching grammar using PPP model
We need to have some grammatical knowledge to be able to speak a language to some degree of proficiency and to be able to say what we really want to say. Without grammar, words hang together without any real meaning or sense. By teaching grammar, we enable students...
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