Once the grammar points have been presented in the lesson, the teacher should give the class some drills to practice them. Here are the three main kinds of drills that must be given in any lesson in the following sequence to practice grammar items:
1. Controlled Drills
They are manipulative drills with the aim of developing accuracy. They come directly after presenting the new grammar point.
E.g. Repetition Drills
They can be in groups, in pairs or individually.
2. Guided Drills
Students cannot perform these drills without knowing the meaning of the new grammar point because they focus on the content instead of the form.
E.g. A. Substitution Drills:
They may be:
a. Simple: with one cue
E.g. I go to the market every day. (every week)
b- Multiple: the basic sentence remains the same but the cue could be substitutable for any item in the model.
- E.g.: T: Ali
- S: Ali wrote a good book.
- T: Story.
- S: Ali wrote a good story.
- T: love.
- S: Ali wrote a love story… etc.
B. Chain Drills:
The teacher asks a question then the students ask each other.
- E.g. T: Are you hungry?
- S1: No, I am not.
- S1: (to another student) Are you hungry?
- S2: Yes, I am.
- S2: (to a third student) Are you hungry? Etc.
C. Transformation Drills:
- E.g. from sentence to a question, passive, negative…..
- T: I like sandwiches.
- S1: (to another student) Do you like sandwiches?
- S2: No, I do not like sandwiches … etc.
D. Expansion Drills:
- E.g. T: I have a pen. (always)
- S: I always have a pen.
- S: I always have a good pen … etc.
E. Integrative drills:
Two short sentences should be combined into one.
- E.g. I have a pen. It’s red.
- I have a red pen.
3- Communicative Drills
The students feel free to express themselves or their ideas.
E.g. tell us about your daily routines (using adverbs of frequency)
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Excellent. Please continue your good work. All d best.
You made me like drilling technique very much. Thank you very much, you added much to me.
Now there are many exercises for practicing grammar. But, since I myself work in this field, so to speak, classical education, I do not approve of all these innovations. Moreover. I’m sure, for grammar practice, it’s work. You can learn grammar playfully, you need to do a lot of exercises before everything is put down in your head. Thanks for the article!