What is Gentle Teaching? Gentle Teaching is a teaching approach. It has four teaching purposes. It aims at teaching students how to: Feel safe, Feel loved, Be engaged, Show gentleness and love to each other. These purposes are achieved through using repeated words of affection, eye contact and...
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25/01/2020 Mohamed Ramadan
Brain-based ELT
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A Good Language Test Should Be: 1- Valid: It means that it measures what its composer supposes to measure. It tests what it ought to test. E.g. the test which measures control of grammar should have no difficult lexical items. 2- Reliable: If it is taken again by...
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08/01/2020 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
Although learning to teach well occurs over time after going through a lot of teaching practices but it involves mainly four things: knowing, planning, doing, and reflecting. If you keep doing these four things, you will be able to achieve a degree of master in your teaching and...
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01/01/2020 Mohamed Ramadan
Professional Development
Here are the main nine patterns of questions to test writing skills and tips to excel in writing each pattern. 1. Fill in the missing vocabulary items in sentences: 2. Fill in the missing structural items in sentences: 3. Finish the text with the items in the list:...
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30/12/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
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Below are some patterns of questions to test reading skills. Each pattern includes what students are asked to do to answer the question and some guidelines to help the teachers write this kind of question in a good way. 1. Read the following sentences and number them in...
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29/12/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
A teacher should insist on and encourage using English in primary or low-level classes so that students: will have the opportunity to practice using English in context. will improve their listening skills. learn and practice common or repeated classroom language or routines in English. (e.g. Please open your...
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27/12/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
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There are six fundamental qualities that contribute to the effectiveness of a test. Test developers must take these qualities into consideration so that the test can reflect its purposes successfully. In general, these six qualities are all integral, have a certain correlation and can not be solely isolated....
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25/12/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
Using educational teaching aids can boost student success in the classroom. These aids reinforce what a teacher says and ensures the main points are understood. Educational teaching aids signal students to the important information. They also allow them to experience something that is abstract in real life. They...
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22/12/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
Creating a good language test demands great care and responsibility on the part of the teachers. Most teachers want only to puzzle their students with tests. It isn’t right because tests should be created well to reflect the real level of students, not teachers’ own expectations. So, the...
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19/12/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
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Characteristics of Young Learners Young learners are children who are developing quickly as individuals. learn in a variety of ways, for example, by watching, listening, imitating, and doing things. are not able to understand grammatical rules and explanations about language. try to make sense of situations by making...
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16/12/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
Professional Development, TEFL to Young Learners
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