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How to Teach Language Functions – A Practical Guide

Parallel to lexical or grammatical structures is the language functions that define the speaker’s or writer’s intention to what they say or write in a communicative way. A language function is a reason why we communicate. Every time we speak or write, we do so for a purpose...
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Two Basic Ways to Present & Practice Language Functions

teaching language functions
Language functions define what the person should say or write in communicative situations. The best way to present and practice these functions is in context by using real-life conversations. Typical Language Functions Inviting Suggesting Promising Apologizing Requesting information Agreeing Disagreeing Offering How to Teach a Conversation Start with...
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6 Principles For Teaching Speaking In EFL Classes

principles for teaching speaking to EFL learners
For most EFL learners, the English lesson is their only opportunity to practice English.  Once they leave the class, they have no opportunity to speak or communicate in English.  That’s why the teacher should dedicate enough time during the class to teach and develop their speaking skills giving...
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The Main 10 Steps To Teach Functional Langauge

how to teach functional language
Most students struggle to communicate effectively in some social situations because most teachers focus overly on grammar and often neglect teaching students functional language. The heart of functional language is understanding the implied social meaning of certain expressions. We use language mainly to perform some kind of communicative...
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