Home » Lesson Plans » Explain Climate Change to Upper-Intermediate Students – An Integrated Skills Lesson Plan

Explain Climate Change to Upper-Intermediate Students – An Integrated Skills Lesson Plan

climate change lesson plan

Here’s a climate change lesson plan that develops the four language skills of upper-intermediate students.


By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • Analyze the causes and effects of climate change.
  • Propose actions to mitigate its impact.

Key Points:

– Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation primarily cause climate change.

– The greenhouse effect and the increase in greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global warming.

– Climate change has various impacts, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity.

– Mitigation strategies include transitioning to renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting sustainable practices.

– Individual actions, such as conserving energy and supporting eco-friendly initiatives, can also help combat climate change.


– Begin the lesson by showing a short video clip or image slideshow that highlights the effects of climate change, such as melting glaciers, wildfires, or endangered species.

– Ask students to share their initial thoughts and reactions to what they saw.

Presentation Steps:

– Provide an overview of the causes and effects of climate change, emphasizing the role of human activities.

– Use visual aids, real-world examples, and interactive discussions to actively engage students in the learning process.

– Address the common misconception that climate change is solely a natural process and not influenced by human actions.

Guided Practice:

– Divide students into small groups and provide them with case studies or scenarios related to climate change.

– Have them analyze the causes and effects of each scenario and brainstorm possible solutions.

– Scaffold questioning by starting with more straightforward scenarios and gradually increasing the complexity.

– Monitor student performance by circulating the classroom, addressing any misconceptions, and providing guidance as needed.

Free Practice:

– Assign students a project-based assessment where they choose a specific aspect of climate change to research.

– They will analyze the causes and effects, and propose actionable solutions.

– Provide clear behavioural expectations for the work time, such as using reliable sources, organizing information effectively, and coherently presenting findings.

Extension Activity:

– For students who finish early, provide them with additional case studies or articles related to climate change.

– They can analyze these resources and propose innovative solutions that go beyond the basics covered in the lesson.


– Have students participate in a short class discussion where they share their key findings and proposed solutions from their research.

– Summarize the main points discussed throughout the lesson and emphasize the importance of taking action to overcome climate change.


– As a homework activity, students can research and summarize a recent news article or scientific study related to climate change.

– They should identify the main findings, analyze the causes and effects presented, and propose their thoughts on possible solutions.

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