Reasons that cause reading comprehension failure
There are a number of reasons that cause reading comprehension to fail.
Students should be aware of these reasons and then identify the solutions for them by applying the appropriate reading strategies that can cause success to reading comprehension.
The following are the main factors that hinder reading comprehension:
- Limited perceptual span.
- Faulty eye movement.
- Faulty attention and concentration habits.
- Lack of practice.
- Lack of interest.
- Poor evaluation of important and less important parts.
- Reasonable wholesome remembering rather than selective remembering.
In addition,
there are some hindering factors related to the readers’ habits and others are text related.
Want to know these factors?
Go to the Printables Library and download the printable that shows these factors and how to deal with them to gain positive results in reading comprehension tasks.
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If you are interested in how to teach reading comprehension and want practical tips to do so in the classroom, you can get my Book:
Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL Learners: A Practical Classroom Guide With Sample Reading Lesson Plans.
It includes many benefits, especially for ESL/EFL teachers who search for practical steps that engage their students in reading and produce positive results.
The main ideas tackled in this eBook are:
- The nature of reading comprehension.
- What should be done before starting a reading lesson?
- Reading comprehension strategies and activities.
- Working with a reading text.
- How to plan a reading lesson (with a model reading lesson plan).
- How to develop your students’ reading comprehension so as to be efficient & advanced.