An ancient Chinese proverb says: “I hear and I forget, I see and remember, I do and understand”.
This Chinese proverb suggests that learners learn better when they see and do things. This seems to be a fact of human nature.
Research indicates that only about 12% of what we learn comes from hearing and 75% comes from what we see so visual teaching aids must have priority in preparation and use.
Effective visual teaching aids not only make learning a memorable experience but also support the lesson plan and assist learning.
To be effective, visual teaching aids should be prepared and used well to support both the senses of hearing and sight; hearing through sound and sight through visual elements.
That’s why I’ve created this guide including the guidelines that teachers MUST KNOW if they want to prepare good visual teaching and use them effectively to support their students’ learning.
In this guide, I’ve tackled the following points:
- The rationale behind using visual teaching aids.
- General guidelines for preparing good visual teaching aids.
- Guidelines for preparing good overhead transparencies.
- Guidelines for preparing good PowerPoint presentations.
- Guidelines for the good use of videos.
- Guidelines for preparing good drawings.
- Guidelines for preparing & using flashcards.
Download your copy right now from Here
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