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Posts tagged characteristics of good test
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22/03/2023 Mohamed Ramadan
Premium Content, TEFL Essential Skills
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Difficult Job It is not easy to construct a good test to measure what you want. Writing good effective test items is a difficult job as it needs much practice and experience and there are many things to be considered to create good test items. A Valuable Resource...
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23/07/2022 Mohamed Ramadan
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Creating a good language test demand great care and responsibility on the part of the teachers. Most teachers want only to puzzle their students with tests. It isn’t right because tests should be created well to reflect the real level of students, not teachers’ own expectations. So, the...
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07/02/2021 Mohamed Ramadan
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There are six fundamental qualities that contribute to the effectiveness of a test. Test developers must take these qualities into consideration so that the test can reflect its purposes successfully. In general, these six qualities are all integral, have a certain correlation and can not be solely isolated....
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25/12/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
It is a challenging task for teachers to write test questions, especially when a test is being used to measure certain learning outcomes. Take into account the following guidelines before you begin writing test questions. Prepare Students For The Test By: Consider All The Levels of Thinking. According...
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13/12/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
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How to prepare a good language test? Here is a list of 16 tips to consider when you are about to prepare your test. 1- Determine the purpose of the test. 2- Define the content area to be tested. 3- Choose and prepare appropriate and relevant items. 4-...
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04/12/2019 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
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A good language test should have a positive effect on learning and teaching. Such a test should aim at specifying areas of difficulty. The whole class or individual students may experience so additional practice and corrective exercises should be given. A good language test should also measure students’...
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29/03/2018 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
Ask and answer the following questions before printing any test. Improve the test, then go ahead to print it. 1. What is the main purpose of the test? Does it test achievement or proficiency? Is it at the end of the month or the term? What is the...
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08/09/2017 Mohamed Ramadan
Testing and Assessment
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