Home » Posts tagged testing

Writing Effective Test Items: The Definitive Guide

Difficult Job It is not easy to construct a good test to measure what you want. Writing good effective test items is a difficult job as it needs much practice and experience and there are many things to be considered to create good test items. A Valuable Resource...
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16 Types Of School Tests For Young Learners

types of school tests for young learners
There are different kinds of tests in schools but there are eight main types vs. the other eight ones. Recognize them and the main differences among them and utilize this information so that you can create the right test in the right situation. 1- Objective Test vs. Subjective...
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12 Characteristics Of A Good Language Test

Characteristics of a Good Language Test
A Good Language Test Should Be: 1- Valid: It means that it measures what its composer supposes to measure. It tests what it ought to test. E.g. the test which measures control of grammar should have no difficult lexical items. 2- Reliable: If it is taken again by...
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20 Questions To Ask Before Printing Your Test

questions to ask before printing your test
Ask and answer the following questions before printing any test. Improve the test, then go ahead to print it. 1. What is the main purpose of the test? Does it test achievement or proficiency? Is it at the end of the month or the term? What is the...
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The Cycle Of Creating A Good Language Test

the cycle of creating good language test
1. The Decision of Providing and Making the Test The headmaster usually makes this decision. The administration or the supervisor usually selects a teacher to construct the test. Or the teacher himself decides to make and provide the test as a formative kind of assessment of students’ learning....
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