Emphasis on Developing Reading Skills In Primary Schools
Students who fail at reading in English are unlikely to do well in English exams at school. So all ESL/EFL teachers in primary schools place much emphasis on developing the reading skills of their learners.
ESL/EFL teachers in primary schools are constantly searching for effective techniques that can help them produce effective results related to getting their students to read in English as quickly as possible. That’s why I’ve decided to create this eBook.
It is a practical guide for ESL/EFL teachers to teach beginning reading and get their students to read in English easily and quickly.
Want to Learn How to Teach Beginning Reading?
Know The Techniques, Guidelines & The Reading Tasks
It is one of my featured ebooks in which I share my experiences with the teachers on the techniques they should use in the classroom, the guidelines they should follow, and the reading tasks that can get most children to read in ESL/EFL classes with ease and in a fairly short time.
The Main Ideas Included In The Book
- What is reading?
- The main approaches to teaching beginning reading.
- The stages of teaching beginning reading.
- Sample activities for beginning reading.
- Guidelines before beginning to teach reading in ESL/EFL.
Step-By-Step Guide For Both Teachers & Parents
I offer this step-by-step eBook guide not only for ESL/EFL teachers but also for parents to help them get their children to read in English easily and in a short time.
Get The Book Now
You can also join my email list not only to be notified of the latest updates on elttguide.com but also to get TWO of my products: Quick-Start Guide To Teaching Listening In The Classroom & Quick-Start Guide To Teaching Grammar In The Classroom For FREE!
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More Publications
I offer more ELT publications on teaching English as a foreign language.
In these publications, I put the gist of my experience in TEFL for +20 years with various learners and in various environments and cultures.
The techniques and tips in these publications are sure-fire teaching methods that worked for me well and they can work for you, as well, FOR SURE.
Go ahead and get a look at these publications to know more about each one of them and the problem & challenge each one focuses on to overcome.
Then, you can get what you have an interest in. It is very easy and cheap. You can afford it and you’ll never regret it if you decide to get one of them, FOR SURE.
Now, click to get a look at these Publications
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