Home » Lesson Planning » The 5 Key Components Of A Lesson Plan

The 5 Key Components Of A Lesson Plan

There are five main components of any successful lesson. You need to rethink your lesson plan if you miss one of them. These five components are as follows:

1- Objectives:

Write what you expect your students will do by the end of the lesson e.g. by the end of the lesson, students will be able to ” pronounce, identify, put words in sentences, change into passive, compare, answer, use, match, …. etc ” or any verbs that can be observable and measurable in the classroom.

2- Warm-up:  

Revise the previous lesson, check homework orally, correct common mistakes,  … etc or any other activity that can activate students and prepare them to receive the new material.

3- Presentation:

Present the new material using the suitable techniques, and write the procedures that you will follow to explain the new material.

4- Practice:

It is the work done by the students whether it is controlled, guided, or free. Students answer some exercises based on the material presented. These exercises are often there in the set book.

5- Assessment:

Write some sentences on the board or distribute printed papers to see whether the objectives were achieved or not and to check whether students learned or not according to the objectives. If not, you should reteach the lesson using different techniques.

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  5. Mmamorena says:

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