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The Five Most Common Mistakes New EFL Teachers Make

“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes,” said Oscar Wilde. This is true for everyone starting in a new career, and EFL teachers are no exception. Since anyone can learn from their mistakes, then we should certainly learn from the following five mistakes beginner EFL teachers...
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7 Teaching Strategies To Meet Your Students’ Needs

The following seven strategies are for the teachers to follow so that they can meet the needs of their students in EFL classes. 1. Provide Comprehensible Input You must present the kind of content that the students can understand. You must convey an understandable message. Learners acquire language...
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5 Ideas To Make Your Lesson More Interactive

In order to really learn something, you have to have a desire to truly understand it. But, learning is about more than just understanding but doing something. The question to ask here is: how does a person get past simply understanding to actually doing something? The answer is...
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Recognize The Two Main Levels For Teacher Self-Evaluation

Generally, there are two main levels for teachers to evaluate themselves: 1. Reflection On Day-To-Day Classroom Instruction Teachers refine their skills by reflecting upon elements of their instruction that includes students’ assessment strategies. The following questions may assist teachers in reflecting on day-to-day classroom instruction including the assessment...
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