What is Lesson Planning?
What is a lesson plan? Why is it important to plan every lesson? What are the principles of lesson planning?
You can find the answers to these questions in this post:
What Every EFL Teacher Ought to Know About Lesson Planning.
What Should Be Included in a Lesson Plan?
But whether you are a beginner or an expert teacher, there are some main things you must include in your lesson plan. Here are them:
A Lesson Plan Template
If you wonder if you need a lesson plan template and which template you should use, you should go through this post: http://bit.ly/32MI8h3
And here is a link to download an EFL lesson plan template in a word file that you can edit: A Free Printable EFL Lesson Plan Template
More Printables Related to Lesson Planning
In addition, here are some more important printables – ready-for-print documents – related to lesson planning you should get a lesson plan for:
Note: The Printables Library is FREE.
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